A Game made by Charcool for the N8jam (With Wannibe Manisha), all sprites used are linked in the 'Credits' page in the game.

Support Me:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMzUQJQ_ZgAy4Za2EEi4X1w

Discord: https://discord.gg/qQqMHSnt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Charcool15

Lore: You are a computer virus spreading your way through a computer, you have to bypass firewalls. You can do this by using heavy files to overload the system and making your way through the desktop.

How does this fit with theme: you are inside a computer system and you are destroying it

How does this fit with lore: The weight of the heavy files/boxes (I could almost feel its potential as it dropped into my hand) a little bit of a stretch i know :)

Made withUnity


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wevy cool (tho the 7th level is super harrrd)

Yeah it is quite hard, thank you for playing!
